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What we do


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Casa Bucuriei

Over the years the Lord saved a number in the institution in the south and we began to dream of starting an ordinary home in a village for some of the women.  This was totally impossible humanly speaking.  We lacked resources, influence and power.  Permissions were needed at top Government level as such a development was completely new in Moldova.  The Lord overcame every obstacle and in 2006 Casa Bucuriei (the House of Joy) was opened and six women from the institution moved in.  


In 2007 they were baptised in the local church in Truseni and they are active members there.  Sora (Sora means sister) Galina oversees Casa Bucuriei and she has been with us from the beginning. The women have made great
progress in every sense since
moving from the institution.


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Casa Matei

In 2008 five men moved out of the institution in the north into Casa Matei (Matei is Romanian for Matthew which means the gift of God).  Sora Viorica, Sora Sveta and Sora Olga support the men who live in the house.  We have been delighted to see the men acquiring a range of new skills, becoming more independent and to see the Lord working in their lives. 


Sadly in 2020, two of the men who came to live in Casa Matei have gone to be with the Lord. Vanya, (who was converted whilst in the institution) passed away in March 2018 and Slava in October 2018. Slava, Gheorge, Grisa and Petru were all baptised in their local church in 2017. In October 2019, Victor became the newest member of the Casa Matei family, moving from the same institution where the others had once lived.


It is most wonderful to see how the Lord has provided for them and taken them out of such a dreadful context.  Their lives speak to us.  Each of the houses has a plot of ground to grow vegetables and fruit and they also have poultry and livestock.  Those who live in the houses are largely responsible for tending the ground and raising the livestock with support.  The houses thus become as self-supporting as possible in terms of food.

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Casa Alex

In August 2011 four more people, Larisa Opalcu, Larisa Cebanu, Carolina and Domnul Grisa, moved out of the institution in the north into the newly opened Casa Alex (the name of the house implicitly means ‘God is protecting’). These four people were followed by another two, Maria and Mariana who moved from the institution in early 2012.  Sora Viorica, Sora Tamara and Sora Natasa support those who live in the house.  

Casa Alex is located in the village of Sofia near to Casa Matei.  Larisa Ciobanu went to be with the Lord in November 2016.  Larisa Opalcu and Carolina were both converted while they were in the institution and Maria, Mariana and Domnul Grisa were all baptised in Sofia in October 2017 having been converted since they moved to Casa Alex. 

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Casa Ana

Casa Ana opened in October 2015.  It is the first of the houses that has been purpose built and builders from Operation Centurion led by Pete Nye and Moldovan builders helped us in its construction.  Casa Ana means ‘House of Mercy’ and the Lord has been very merciful to the six women who live there, Snejana, Cristina, Victoria, Elena, Natasa and Lilia.  


The local Baptist church is only a few minutes walk away and the pastor and members were keen for us to set up a house in that village.  Lilia was converted whilst in the institution and the other women have made a profession of faith since being with us.  They were all baptised in the church in Capriana in August 2017.  Fr Vasile, Sora Maria and Sora Nadea all work in the house. 



Mai bine Acasa


Through this project we assist, in practical ways, a small number of adults with disabilities to remain at home, if at all possible, rather than transfer to an institution. This can include emotional and spiritual support; provision of food and clothing and occasionally furniture; advocacy with them and on their behalf with the authorities and liaison with their relatives. 


Casa Mea

Casa Mea

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